Friday, May 8, 2009

New Zealand

Ever since I saw Lord of the Rings, I have wanted to go to New Zealand. This is probably one of the only countries we didn't cover this year, and so I looked it up in the textbook. Unlike most of the other countries we have learned about, New Zealand doesn't have very many problems with it's goverment, land, or economy. It sounds perfect. If you think about the relative size of New Zealand; a small island off of the coast of Australia that is not very big, it's land is so diverse. At the same time, people are skiing down steep, treacherous slopes, with other are in bathing suits, tanning at the beach. People go kayaking down white water rivers and in caves, while others go hiking through the lushest, greenest forests, full of towering trees, bushy plants, and vines, hung like streamers from tree to tree. It's coasts rival that of Mexico's, where everything is picturesque, and, once again, perfect. In the last two weeks, we have gone over South/Southwest Asia, and learned about the areas of main interest, the Middle East. One thing I liked was that the textbooks had unbiased information, that was free of rumors like the media. I learned a lot.