Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi! My name is Will Glazener. I am from Austin Texas and I am 13 years old. I am in the ninth grade at Anderson High School. I have two siblings, a younger brother in 6th grade, and an older sister in 10th grade. My hobbies include playing guitar, (which I have been doing for nine years), playing soccer, (for 8 years), and playing football. I like to read, and my favorite subject in class is Math.


Cynthia said...

Hey Will!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. Now to comment on yours!
Ha, I know your little brother because he's friends with MY little brother, George. Could you tell me George said hi?
Woah. You've been playing guitar for nine years? That's insane. And that must mean you're insanely good.
And responding to your comment, I JUST started playing drums though. I started maybe...4 months ago.
It's cool how you've been playing soccer for so long too. I played it for four seasons, but then I stopped.
I hope we can keep in touch through this too. Hey, quick question, since you're in my biology class, when is the study guide chapter 1 thing due?

David said...

Hi, Will! Just wanted to say a little something about your comment and blog. I really like the layout! It's cool. Is that part of Blogger, or did you import it from somewhere else? Now about you. You're really 13? When's your birthday? Did you skip a grade back in elementary school?
What are your siblings' names? My brother, Marshall, might know him. I know that you're in band (Will and I are in Marching Band), but if you hadn't been in Marching Band, would you have joined the guitar class? I don't really know anything about guitar, but that's awesome that you have stuck with that. Great job! Were you on a soccer team before Band? What about football? What's one of your favorite football and soccer team? I've seen you wear either a Brazil or an Argentina shirt, I don't know which. What books do you read? Elaborate for us.

-Your best buddy in the world who also loves to read, but hates Math,
(and loves World Geography with a specific teacher),


Clifford said...

Ah, my dad teaches guitar (among other instruments) for a living, but I've never actually learned how to play it. My hand memory is terrible. I can barely play one song on the piano. More of a singer. What type of music do you enjoy playing the most on the guitar?