People make such a big deal about the way countries, such as China,deal with overpopulation. Obviously, there's too many people, and families want their last name to be passed down. The only way for that to happen is for them to literally
discard their daughters onto the streets. They keep their sons to keep the family name, while the infants and children fend for themselves, eventually getting forced into child labor. If they're lucky. As I said, people make a big deal about this, and they should. It's wrong, simply put. What kind of parent throws away a child like they're some sort of object or an unwanted gift? I'm not quite sure what I would do to solve an overpopulation problem. Every solution I can think of are rather unethical and inhumane. The first thing I think of is start a military draft, but a more reasonable one would be to offer overseas jobs in order to get more people out of the country. Another way would be to issue a law say that familes may not have more than 1 or 2 kids. None of these so-called "solutions" seem effective or beneficial. I honestly would know what to do, which is good, because I don't plan on ever having to solve the problem.
I agree that most of the things that come to mind when solving the issue of overpopulation are unethical. Even if there was a law enforced limiting the number of children in a family, most people wouldn't follow it.
Will, it appears as if u would like an interview with such a child. I was thrown into the streets by my great Uncle Saucey, who told me i was good for nothing. From there i traveled the road to ST Petersburg like in that Disney Movie nobody likes. then, i went into the chinese army at age 15 and learned how to fire a rifle. After barely surviving, i had a stroke of luck and won celebrity jepardy, and made 50$. From this prize i can to the united states and now i creep on peoples blogs. Good day sir
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