Last year, April 23, I was lucky enough to go hear the Canadian progessive rock band trio, Rush. I was a Wednesday night at the Frank Erwin Center, and building where several UT basketball games are hosted. They are known for playing 3 hour long concerts, and me and my friend ended up having to leave before it was over, at 11pm. The first time I heard them, it sounded like a goat yodeling over a bunch of lazer sound effects. The singer/bassist/keyboardist Geddy Lee has a voice that takes getting used to, but he makes up for that with his amazing bass lines and keyboard fills. The drummer, Neil Peart, is considered the greatest one in the world, and not even being a drummer, his playing gives me a tingling feeling everytime I hear his music. Finally there's the guitarist Alex Lifeson. I don't even know how to describe how awesome his playing is to me. He is a master at both acoutsic and electric guitar, and when he plays, everything sounds perfect. There first gig, with previous drummer John Rutsey (who was kicked out), was in 1968, so they're pretty old, late 60's and stuff, but they can definitely rock hard.
Of course the one thing you write about on a free topic is Rush. I didn't evan write about radiohead, I wrote about U2. And Neil pert is not the best Drummer in the world. He's got some technical skill to be sure, but he's not the best. If you like that style of drumming, look up terry Bozio
U2 is still a band, so we did the same thing, just about different bands. I think it's biased for a drummer to say who's the best, because you're going to be partial to a drummer who plays your style. By the way, I created Phil Collins and Terry Bozio, so spell EVEN correctly before i break your hot rods.
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